Opuntia macrocentra Engelm.
Purple pricklypear
Upright spreading shrub grow 60-100 cm tall stem blue-gray, blue-green, or purplish in color The purple pad color is the most intense at the edges of the pad or around the areoles pads orbicular shaped 10-20 cm in width, 10-20 cm in length, spines are produced on the upper half or the upper edge only of the pad areole will have from 1-3 central spines coming from it with the longest being 5–10 cm  in length, The largest spine will be pointed in a markedly upward direction, spines are sometimes seen with a white or yellow tip flowers yellow, bright red center fruit juices light purple
Ornamental plant. Edible fruit. potted plant
Opuntia violacea var macrocentra (Engelm) LDBenson
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