Mazhar Botanic garden is a destination for researchers, experts and world wide organizations such as Kew Gardens. Our collaborative projects and partnerships reinforce our commitment to preserving and educating people about the natural world.


In 2017, Mazhar Botanic Garden has been registered as a member of the Botanic Garden Conservation International organization (BGCI), enriching its resources with the assistance of Dr. Therese Labib Youssef. The garden is continuously growing, featuring specialized greenhouses for various plant categories. Also, Mazhar Herbarium was registered in the NYPG index in 2018, which is a worldwide index of 3100 herbaria around the world. In addition to partnering with other historic gardens in Egypt, Mazhar Botanic Gardens collaborates closely with these institutions by offering a diverse range of flora for their enrichment.


Mazhar Botanic Garden stands as the heart and core of Shehab Mazhar Developments, playing a crucial role in shaping the distinctive character of real estate projects such as Sidi Heneish Village and Marsa Baghoush. Its involvement extends beyond conventional landscaping, as it meticulously integrates lush greenery, trees, and diverse flora throughout these projects, enriching their environments. Furthermore, at Sidi Heneish Village, a flourishing kitchen garden is proudly nurtured, providing residents with access to fresh produce. Additionally, the upcoming establishment of a Herbarium further solidifies Mazhar Botanic Garden's commitment to botanical preservation and education.