Anogueissus latifolia (Roxb. ex DC.) Wall. ex Guill. & Perr.
Button tree
Deciduous tree growing up to 20 m tall leaves opposite, simple, entire, exstipulate with grayish- yellow hairs below flowers sessile in dense, globose heads on an axillary or terminal peduncle fruit 2- winged , 1-seeds
Ornamental tree. Flowers important pollen source fo bees. The gum that exudes from the trunk, known as ‘ghatti gum’. It is a good substitute for gum Arabic and is used in calico printing, for sweetmeats, in dye processes, and as a binding agent in pharmaceuticals. Yields good charcoal and firewood.The leaves and bark are used for tanning, the leaves yield a black dye that is used commercially in India.
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