Mazhar Botanic Garden

Delonix floribunda (Baill.) Capuron

Yellow poinciana

Sample code: EGY-MBG-000888
English name: Yellow poinciana
Country: Madagascar
(PGR): Very rare

Deciduous tree grow up to 15 m tall leaves bipinnately  paripinnate flower fragrant, bright yellow or orange, on axillary raceme fruit woody pod, large, 16-25 x 25-35, containing 14-23 seeds

Ornamental plant. The tree is sometimes harbested from the wild for local use of its wood and resin. It is grown in villages as a living fence. A resin obtained from the tree is used as glue.

Delonix adansonioides (RVig) Capuron

Texture: Acid granite Chalk Clay Enriched soil Loam Moist Mostly sand
Fertility: High
Drainage: Well drained
Topography: Desert
Salinity: Low
Water Sources: Moderate Water
Climates: Tropical
Lights: Full sun
Propagation: Seeds
Flowering time: Late spring
Zone: 10 : 11
pH range: 5.6-7.5

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