Mazhar Botanic Garden

Litchi chinensis Sonn.


Sample code: EGY-MBG-000641
English name: Lychee
Arabic name: ليتشي
Native: Southeastern Asia
Country: Southeastern Asia
(PGR): Rare

Evergreen tree to 15 m tall, leaves pinnate 125-20 cm long, leaflets elliptic-oblong to lanceolate flowers yellowish in long terminal and axillary panicles fruits ovoid to globose which turn  red when ripe

fruit is eaten fresh when in season. Lychee is packed with health benefits. It includes vitamin C, vitamin B6, niacin, riboflavin, folate, copper, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, and manganese. Further, lychee fruit is an important source of dietary fiber, protein.

Texture: Clay Loam Organic Sandy
Fertility: High
Drainage: Well drained
Salinity: Intermediated
Water Sources: Moderate Water
Climates: Subtropics Tropical
Lights: Full sun
Propagation: Seeds, cuttings
Flowering time: Spring
Zone: 10 : 11
pH range: 5.5-7.5
Located in: Fruits garden

The information in this website has been compiled from reliable sources, such as reference works on medicinal plants. It is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment and Mazhar Botanic Garden does not purport to provide any medical advice. Readers should always consult his/her physician before using or consuming a plant for medicinal purposes.