Mazhar Botanic Garden

Acacia stenophylla A. Cunn. ex Benth.

Shoestring Acacia

Sample code: EGY-MBG-000593
English name: Shoestring Acacia
Arabic name: اكاسيا استينوفيللا
Native: Australia
Country: Australia
(PGR): Common

Multi stemmed shrub, spreading branches, grows from 4-10 m tall leaves phyllodes 15-40 cm long, slightly rough flowers creamy-white to pale yellow 

Ornamental and food source. It can be planted to form a windbreak, can be used in soil reclamation projects. The ground seed can be used to produce a high quality, caffeine-free coffee-like beverage. With its ability to produce suckers, it can be useful as a soil stabilizer.

Acacia stenophylla var linearis Maiden, Racosperma stenophylla (Benth) Pedley

Texture: Chalk Clay Loam Sandy
Fertility: Intermediate
Drainage: Well drained
Salinity: Intermediated
Water Sources: Moderate Water
Climates: Temperate
Lights: Full sun
Propagation: Seeds
Flowering time: Spring
Zone: 9 : 12
pH range: 6.5-8.5

The information in this website has been compiled from reliable sources, such as reference works on medicinal plants. It is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment and Mazhar Botanic Garden does not purport to provide any medical advice. Readers should always consult his/her physician before using or consuming a plant for medicinal purposes.