Mazhar Botanic Garden

Podocarpus macrophyllus (Thunb.)Sweet

Yew Plum Pine Buddhist Pine Japanese Yew

Sample code: EGY-MBG-000587
English name: Yew Plum Pine, Buddhist Pine, Japanese Yew
Arabic name: بودوكاربس ماكروفيللا
Native: Southern Japan and Southern eastern China
Country: China Japan
(PGR): Rare

Evergreen tree, grow 5-15 m tall leaves narrow, linear 5-10 cm long, the foliage is pleasantly fragrant when bruised fruits fleshy, olive-green, berry-like cones that ripen in the second year 

The species can be trained as a bonsai. Hedge.and is also grown in a pot as a house plant.The wood is used in making furniture, utensils, paper, and farm implements.

Nageia macrophylla (Thunberg) F Mueller

Texture: Chalk Loam Sandy
Fertility: Intermediate
Drainage: Well drained
Topography: Mountainous
Salinity: Low
Water Sources: Moderate Water
Climates: Temperate
Lights: Full sun Partial shade
Propagation: Cuttings
Flowering time: Winter
Zone: 7 : 9
pH range: 4.5-7.5

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