Coffea arabica L.
Arabic Coffee
Evergreen shrub or small tree grows to 5-10 m high leaves opposite, simple elliptic-ovate to oblong, 6-12 cm long, 4-8 cm broad, glossy dark green flowers white fragrant, grow in axillary clusters fruit drupe 10-15 mm in diameter, containing 2seeds
Soil: prefers deep friable soil on undulating land Plants are unsuited to stiff clay or sandy soils but are considered tolerant of acid soils It prefers a pH in the range of 55 - 7, tolerating 43 - 84
Light preference: Coffea arabica will do best in bright, indirect light Avoid full sun as the leaves will get scorched and turn brown, and keep away from draughts These plants need a temperature of around 16-24ºC and a slightly lower temperature during winter
Life span: Perennial 100 years but they are most fertile between the ages of 7 and 20 Life cycle of coffee through its first 5 years
Drink worldwide. Coffee powder is roasted seed of coffee beans. Phenolics and melanoidins are main bioactive constituents of coffee brew. An orally bioavailable dietary supplement composed of an extract from the beans of green coffee (Coffea arabica), which are unprocessed and unroasted, with potential anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and chemopreventive activities.
Coffea arabica var murta Lalier
.The information in this website has been compiled from reliable sources, such as reference works on medicinal plants. It is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment and Mazhar Botanic Garden does not purport to provide any medical advice. Readers should always consult his/her physician before using or consuming a plant for medicinal purposes.