Mazhar Botanic Garden

Carissa carandus L.

Karanda Caranda plum Bengal currant

Sample code: EGY-MBG-000681
English name: Karanda, Caranda plum, Bengal currant
Native: Bangladesh, India
Country: Bangladesh India
(PGR): Common

Evergreen shrub or small tree grow up to 2-4 m leaves broadly ovate to elliptic-oblong, apex obtuse or emarginate flowers white fruit berry 25 cm across, black when ripe

Ornamental shrub. fruit is rich in iron, vitamin C & A, calcium and phosphorus. in India also made jelly, jams. hedge. 

Arduina carandas (L) Baill, Carissa salicina Lam

Texture: Adaptable
Fertility: Intermediate
Drainage: Moderately well drained
Salinity: Intermediated
Water Sources: Drought-tolerant plant
Climates: Subtropics Tropical
Lights: Full sun Light shade
Propagation: Seeds, cuttings
Flowering time: Summer
Zone: 9 : 11
pH range: 6.5-8.0

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