Anogueissus latifolia (Roxb. ex DC.) Wall. ex Guill.. & Perr.
Deciduous shrub in Egypt or  tree  20 m tall leaves simple grayish yellow or whitish hairs below flowers small, yellow fruit pseudo-achene, 2-winged, with a single seed
Heavy hardwood, good charcoal and firewood. It provides a gum that is a good substitute for gum Arabic. Its leaves give tannin used for tanning and dyeing.In certain areas of the subtropical forest of the Himalayan foothills of India, Anogeissus latifolia is the most important fodder, fuel and timber tree, and excessive lopping of leaves and cutting of saplings and branches for firewood may cause poor regeneration
Anogueissus latifolia var tomentosa Conocarpus latifolius Roxb ex Dc
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