Mazhar Botanic Garden

Sanchezia speciosa J.Leonard

Zebra plant Yellow sanchezia

Sample code: EGY-MBG-000491
English name: Zebra plant, Yellow sanchezia
Arabic name: سانكزيا
Native: Ecuador, Peru
Country: Ecuador
(PGR): Common

Evergreen large shrub usually up to 2 -3 m tall leaves have prominent yellow or cream-coloured veins flowers  in spikes, tubular, 5 cm long surrounded by red or orange bracts

Light preference: filtered sun, semi shade

Ornamental plant. Ornamental foliage, Indoor plant. Grown as borders or hedges .

Sanchezia nobilis 

Texture: Clay Loam Sandy
Lights: Semi shade
Propagation: Cuttings
Flowering time: Spring, summer and fall
Zone: 9 : 11
pH range: 5.5-6.5

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