Mazhar Botanic Garden

Senegalia pennata (L.) Maslin

Climbing Wattle - Feather Acacia

Family: Fabaceae
Genus: Senegalia
Species: pennata
Sample code: EGY-MBG-000863
Common name: Climbing Wattle - Feather Acacia
English name: Climbing Acacia
Native: Southeast Asia
Country: Southeast Asia
(PGR): Rare

Climber shrub or small tree grow up to 5-10 m high leaves bipinnate flowers yellowish in terminal panicles with globose heads pods thin, flat and long with thick sutures

Thorny hedge. climbing wattle is an ingredient in indigenous cuisine in Burma, Thailand, Indonesia.

Acacia pennata (L) Willd

Texture: Enriched soil
Fertility: Intermediate
Drainage: Moderately well drained
Salinity: Low
Water Sources: Moderate Water
Climates: Subtropics
Lights: Full sun Light shade
Propagation: Cuttings - seeds
Flowering time: Spring
Zone: 9 : 10
pH range: 6.0-7.5

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