Mazhar Botanic Garden

Strongylodon macrobotrys A. Gray

Jade Vine

Sample code: EGY-MBG-000306
English name: Jade Vine
Arabic name: استرنجيلودون
Native: Philippines
Country: Philippines
(PGR): Very rare

Woody vine  to 9- 12 m tall leaves alternate trifoliate, elliptic to oblong leaflets flowers sea green-turquoise, clustered racemes drooping to 1 m long, showy, pendant, grape-like

ornamental. This species is planted for its unique and beautiful flowers. The vine can be trained over a trellis or pergola. Although this species flowers best when planted in the ground, it also flowers in large containers that are placed in sunny locations.

Strongylodon megaphyllus Merr

Texture: Loam
Fertility: High
Drainage: Well drained
Propagation: Nodal cuttings. Seeds
Flowering time: Spring to early summer
Zone: 12
Located in: Glass house

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