Mentha x piperita L.
Herbaceous, rhizomatous, perennial plant, grows 30-90 cm tall, with smooth stem leaves 4-9 cm long and 15-4 cm wide, dark green with reddish veins, toothed margin flowers purpleHerbaceous, rhizomatous, perennial plant, grows 30-90 cm tall, with smooth stem leaves 4-9 cm long and 15-4 cm wide, dark green with reddish veins, toothed margin flowers purple
Fresh or dried peppermint leaves are often used alone in peppermint tea or with other herbs in herbal tea (tisanes, infusions). Peppermint is used for flavouring , chewing gum, toothpaste, and some shampoos, soaps, and skin care products.
The information in this website has been compiled from reliable sources, such as reference works on medicinal plants. It is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment and Mazhar Botanic Garden does not purport to provide any medical advice. Readers should always consult his/her physician before using or consuming a plant for medicinal purposes.